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Ryan Paris

THE HIT HAMMER: The Elegants' "Little Star"

"Little Star" - The Elegants

Hit Number 1: August 25, 1958

Stay At Number 1: 1 Week

Five Italian dudes from Staten Island decide to form a doo-wop group. (Why the 5th guy is not in the picture above I have no idea) They call themselves the Elegants. They write a song that is basically "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", but turn it into a doo-wop, 50s sounding song. It later hits the top spot on the charts. This should not have worked, but boy, is it a damn good song.

The Elegants were fronted by Vito Pecone, and he along with 4 of his friends in Staten Island, performed under the boardwalk by their hometown. They were soon discovered by Apt Records, and they came out with "Little Star", which turned out to be their only hit. The song isn't much, it's just "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" mixed with some extra lyrics here and there, and a 50s twist thrown in there. When I hear the song, it's pretty clear to me that a lot of time and hard work was not put into the song, but that seemed to be good enough in the 50s. Around this time, you didn't have many amazing songs, or songs that told a story. (I'm dreading the era where people killed off characters in songs for basically no reason) But maybe that's part of why I like "Little Star" so much.

When I hear the song, I feel like I'm back in the 50s. The backup singers do everything they should be doing. Not trying to be louder or sound better than Pecone. All they have to do is support Pecone's vocals, and they support him well. It all ends up being a nice piece of 1950s work. I'm not saying this is a masterpiece or anything, but it's a nice and simple doo-wop song, that has a steady beat to it. That's good enough for me in this case.

GRADE: 9/10

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